We are really proud to announce that 1st Roade Scout Group has successfully opened a Squirrel Scout section for local young people aged 4-6 years. You may have seen us at the village remembrance parade 2022 in our Squirrel red jumpers.

So, what have we been up to since opening on the 1st November 2022!! Well, where do we start!!!
We started in November looking at Scouting in general learning about the different sections within the movement and all the exciting things they could do as they get older. We also met our new mascots Scout the Squirrel, Autumn the acorn and Oakley the oak leaf. They have been useful at helping us to settle in when needed. As a uniformed organisation we have an opening and closing ceremony each week. For the Squirrels, we have made it fun and interactive with a little chant and some actions to go with it. Its great to see traditional scouting in all sections no matter what their age.
Remembrance day was a big event for the Squirrels and their first outing showing of their new uniform. They managed to sit in the church service quietly and parade to the memorial green along with the rest of the group and other members of the village. As a team we were super proud of each and everyone of them.
Teamwork is a big part of scouting so we have been teaching the Squirrels some well known Scouting games that they can play each week. This is a good opportunity for them to learn some new skills at the same time.
We then moved on to Christmas where they heard the story the night before Christmas, made our own Christmas cards and also learnt a song called the reindeer hokey pokey. The Squirrels had lots of fun getting messy.
So Christmas came and went and now we find ourselves in 2023. So far, we have made Chinese dragons which required learning the art of folding, learnt about birds for the big bird watch and made our own bird feeders plus completing the squirrel challenge where we learnt about red squirrels and their habitats, along with making our own Squirrel nests.